Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
fast food

Today, many people eat fast food instead of home made food. The reason is that fast food is fast, cheap and convenient. However, at the same time, fast food is contributing to a big social problem in the U.S., which is obesity, and recently some people are beginning to sue the fast food companies for causing their obesity. Should the fast food companies have responsibility for American's obesity? My answer for this argument is "No". I think that whether people eat fast food or not is an individual choice. There are many people who eat fast food, but aren't obese. They may do some exercises for burning calories, or try not to eat fast food as much as they can, caring for their health. Moreover, some fast food companies serve relatively healthy foods, such as Baja Fresh, Subway and so on. Even though people don't have enough money or time to eat except for fast food, they can choose those fast food shops. Therefore, the responsibility of obesity should be taken by obese people, though fast food companies should also take actions to decrease the number of these people by showing their food's calories, serving healthy food, and giving more choices.
As I said before, in the U.S. some people are filing suits against fast food companies for causing their obesity and related sickness. It is clear that fast food is not so good for our health. Fast food contains lots of sodium, fat and cholesterol, and these ingredients make us overweight. Therefore, some people think that the fast food companies should be responsible for the negative effects. However, people who decide to eat it or not, are us. Even though some advertisements stimulate our appetite, those advertisements don't say that their fast food is healthy. Moreover, it has been often said that fast food has bad effects for our health, through newspaper, television, and other media. Most people should know these facts. To add to that, as I mentioned before, there are some fast food shops which serve health foods compared to other fast food shops, so if people are really concerned about their health, they can choose those fast food shops. Therefore, the problem should be attributed not to the fast food companies, but to individual choice.
Comparing the U.S. and Japan gives another interesting insight into why fast food companies should not be responsible for customer's obesity. . Although Japan also has a lot of fast food shops, and many people eat fast food, Japan doesn't suffer from such a serous obesity problem as the U.S. One of the reasons is the difference in the life style between the U.S. and Japan. In Japan, urban areas have more fast food shops than rural areas, because of the difference of demand. The main customers of fast food shops are businessmen and students. It seems that there is no difference between the U.S. and Japan in this regard. However, most Japanese use public transportation to move, while American people use their cars. Although the difference of burning calories might be little each time, it will make a huge difference after one year. What I want to say is that the obesity problem in the U.S. cannot be attributed to only what American people eat. It is greatly related with their life style.
Moreover, even if Japanese suffered from the same serious obesity problem such as the U.S., Japanese would not directly attribute their obesity problem to fast food companies, and would not sue those companies. The reason is that Japanese tend to share responsibility for their failures. For example, today if one business person committed a grave mistake, the boss would apologize for it in public, because it is the company who hired the person, and the company would have to share the responsibility for the person's failure as the company's failure. On the other hand, in the U.S. it is rare for us to see the scene in which bosses apologize for employees' failures, because the U.S. tends to concentrate the responsibility for a failure on a particular person. I cannot say which is better, but it is sometimes questionable to concentrate the responsibility for a problem on a particular entity, like fast food companies in this argument.
Although I mentioned that the causes of the obesity problem are related to the life style and culture in the U.S., in the end, the responsibility for the problem should be attributed to individual choice, such as what people eat or don't. The reason is that we have to take responsibility for our choice as a part of our given liberty. Some other countries' people, including Japan, have longed for the liberty found in the U.S. However, if American people attribute their obesity problem to fast food companies, they will be the beneficiaries of American liberty without taking their responsibility for their choice. In the case of children, parents must assure responsibility for the choices of their children. Parents should monitor their children's diet. When I was a child, my parents never allowed me to eat fast food. Although I wanted to go fast food restaurants, as my parents taught me the negative effect of fast food, I lost interest in it. Now my parents don't say anything about what I eat, because I am an adult, and I have to take the responsibility for my food choices.
To conclude, I think that people shouldn't attribute their obesity problem to fast food companies, even though the fast food companies provide food which causes negative effects on health. The most important reason is that obesity is the result of individual choices based on liberty. We must take the responsibilities for our choices when given the individual liberty of choice. Moreover, the obesity problem in the U.S. is related to life style, not just food consumption. It is unfair to concentrate the responsibilities for the nation wide obesity problem only on fast food companies.
As I said before, in the U.S. some people are filing suits against fast food companies for causing their obesity and related sickness. It is clear that fast food is not so good for our health. Fast food contains lots of sodium, fat and cholesterol, and these ingredients make us overweight. Therefore, some people think that the fast food companies should be responsible for the negative effects. However, people who decide to eat it or not, are us. Even though some advertisements stimulate our appetite, those advertisements don't say that their fast food is healthy. Moreover, it has been often said that fast food has bad effects for our health, through newspaper, television, and other media. Most people should know these facts. To add to that, as I mentioned before, there are some fast food shops which serve health foods compared to other fast food shops, so if people are really concerned about their health, they can choose those fast food shops. Therefore, the problem should be attributed not to the fast food companies, but to individual choice.
Comparing the U.S. and Japan gives another interesting insight into why fast food companies should not be responsible for customer's obesity. . Although Japan also has a lot of fast food shops, and many people eat fast food, Japan doesn't suffer from such a serous obesity problem as the U.S. One of the reasons is the difference in the life style between the U.S. and Japan. In Japan, urban areas have more fast food shops than rural areas, because of the difference of demand. The main customers of fast food shops are businessmen and students. It seems that there is no difference between the U.S. and Japan in this regard. However, most Japanese use public transportation to move, while American people use their cars. Although the difference of burning calories might be little each time, it will make a huge difference after one year. What I want to say is that the obesity problem in the U.S. cannot be attributed to only what American people eat. It is greatly related with their life style.
Moreover, even if Japanese suffered from the same serious obesity problem such as the U.S., Japanese would not directly attribute their obesity problem to fast food companies, and would not sue those companies. The reason is that Japanese tend to share responsibility for their failures. For example, today if one business person committed a grave mistake, the boss would apologize for it in public, because it is the company who hired the person, and the company would have to share the responsibility for the person's failure as the company's failure. On the other hand, in the U.S. it is rare for us to see the scene in which bosses apologize for employees' failures, because the U.S. tends to concentrate the responsibility for a failure on a particular person. I cannot say which is better, but it is sometimes questionable to concentrate the responsibility for a problem on a particular entity, like fast food companies in this argument.
Although I mentioned that the causes of the obesity problem are related to the life style and culture in the U.S., in the end, the responsibility for the problem should be attributed to individual choice, such as what people eat or don't. The reason is that we have to take responsibility for our choice as a part of our given liberty. Some other countries' people, including Japan, have longed for the liberty found in the U.S. However, if American people attribute their obesity problem to fast food companies, they will be the beneficiaries of American liberty without taking their responsibility for their choice. In the case of children, parents must assure responsibility for the choices of their children. Parents should monitor their children's diet. When I was a child, my parents never allowed me to eat fast food. Although I wanted to go fast food restaurants, as my parents taught me the negative effect of fast food, I lost interest in it. Now my parents don't say anything about what I eat, because I am an adult, and I have to take the responsibility for my food choices.
To conclude, I think that people shouldn't attribute their obesity problem to fast food companies, even though the fast food companies provide food which causes negative effects on health. The most important reason is that obesity is the result of individual choices based on liberty. We must take the responsibilities for our choices when given the individual liberty of choice. Moreover, the obesity problem in the U.S. is related to life style, not just food consumption. It is unfair to concentrate the responsibilities for the nation wide obesity problem only on fast food companies.
1、她是女,我是男,异性,不违反我国婚姻法 2、她未嫁,我未娶,单身,不存在破坏婚姻的罪过 3、她年满18,有完全民事责任权力,虽然有早婚嫌疑,但本人年过28,属于晚婚,平均一下有关部门应该可以谅解,岁月不饶人啊! 4、她姓刘,我姓魏,绝对不存在任何血缘关系,可以绝对保证下一代的健康 5、俗话说“距离产生美”,我和刘亦菲之间绝对算得上最美,异常的美,美得让上帝都要亲自来撮合这段美好姻缘! 6、她生在武汉,我出生地也离武汉不远,我们是老乡嫁老乡,亲上加亲,而且不会出现什么水土不服、沟通不畅的问题 7、她虽然目前暂时还不认识我,但我相信爱情的力量是伟大的,是神奇的,是无法用语言表述的,再说我们也可以继承我们伟大先辈的优秀革命传统:先结婚后恋爱! 8、她身高169CM,我也是169CM,就这一点就足以让我热泪盈眶了:同志们啊!男女平等是祖祖辈辈多少代的呼唤啊!终于在我们的身上实现了! 9、她属兔,我属虎,我禁不住再次热泪盈眶:小白兔和大老虎那是几千年的缘分啊!缘分啊!! 10、她演戏,我砍柴,她演戏演得漂亮,我砍柴砍得潇洒,我们俩绝对是千百年最般配的狼柴女貌! 11、她是处女座,我是处男座,我还能用什么话来说呢?我们纯纯的结合将象一道眩目的霹雳划开这污浊混沌的世界,从此,世界清净了! 12、她的偶像就是我的偶像,哦不!是我的神明!她喜欢的歌星的歌我做梦都在唱;她喜欢的运动我天天练;她最喜欢的食物我当饭吃;她最喜欢的地方我买张地图天天看,而且还做笔记! 尊敬的领导,相信我,TRUST ME!我会给她幸福,我会给她一切,月亮已经不能代表我的心!太阳也不能!您呼吸吧!呼吸吧!每一口空气中都饱含我对她的爱!对不起!温室效应不是我故意的,臭氧层空洞也是我不小心!总之,我做的事我来承担,只恳请您成全我们! 当否,请批示!
我不想再回到那个我依恋却又伤心的主人家去了,我不愿再看人类的眼神来活着,我要活出狗的骨气和尊严。只是我真的无法忘掉我们如此圣洁的爱情,我对你的爱就象亘古以来黄河的水一般滚滚涌动。 她怎么忍心拆散我们如此的天伦绝配,离开你是我今生最大的痛,那么对于你又是不是呢。
我不想再回到那个我依恋却又伤心的主人家去了,我不愿再看人类的眼神来活着,我要活出狗的骨气和尊严。只是我真的无法忘掉我们如此圣洁的爱情,我对你的爱就象亘古以来黄河的水一般滚滚涌动。 她怎么忍心拆散我们如此的天伦绝配,离开你是我今生最大的痛,那么对于你又是不是呢。
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