Tuesday, August 31, 2010





airasia在facebook post出这个video,超级怀念的,它让我想回小时候的生活,那简简单单,没什么忧虑的生活。希望马来西亚会往好的方面发展,未来更加繁荣。马来西亚加油。


Monday, August 30, 2010

如何检查Windows 7 所耗用电脑资源

How to Monitor the usage and performance of the system resources.
电脑本身就是一个很复杂的工具。当你开机到进入电脑视窗内的时候,视窗就一直通过电脑硬体来把你完成你的工作。有时我们会觉得我们的软件跑得很慢,甚至会not responding罢工。。。这是因为在你用你的软件当儿,视窗还在你看不到的“background”运行很多程序。而且有时你会觉得你上网的速度很慢,因为有些p2p的软件会在background upload 你下载的文件,霸占你的internet bandwidth。

windows 7 里有个程序可以查看你电脑有哪些程序是占用着你的电脑资源的。还可以把某些你确定不需要的程序关掉。可以查看的资源有CPU, Disk, Network and Memory.

Monitor the usage and performance of the following resources in real time: CPU, Disk, Network and Memory.

firefox 大改版,新的界面,新的功能~

Mozilla firefox 从第一版到现在已经有七八年的时间了。当年第一版面世时以安全和速度的优点把Microsoft IE从市场老大的位子给抢过来。

在上个星期,Mozilla firefox 推出了发firefox 4.0 beta版,在界面方面有很大的转变,而且也学google chrome把 menu bar给去掉,让人有更大的网页游览空间。而且还设计了一个新功能,叫group your tabs~能够把你的tabs分组的排,让你的游览器看起来比较整齐。。。开启网页的速度也有明显比以前快了~

我录了一个影片,demo firefox 4.0 beta的group your tabs,第一次录,没有声音的,^^。

而且在这版也加入了bookmark sync 的功能,能把你的游览器的资料backup 到server上,这样你就能在不同电脑上共享bookmark了。
另外,microsoft也计划在9月15日发放IE 9,在界面也是采用google chrome的design,看来以后的游览器界面将会进入另一个时代了。。。


Monday, August 23, 2010

OSKIC Investment Challenge (Campus Edition)

Invest Like A Pro and Win!
The OSK Investment Challenge (Campus Edition) lets you explore the world of stock trading where you’ll learn to invest, polish your trading skills and reap the rewards for your efforts. With RM100,000 of virtual money in hand, you’ll invest in virtual stocks while managing your portfolios over a period of 7 weeks.
Take part and stand to win a variety of attractive prizes. The competition is divided into 3 contest and prizes categories. Find out what they are in the side menu on your left.
Time to brush up those investing skills and be a winner. Start with registering online to participate. 

How It Works

Invest smartly to top the list with the highest absolute total portfolio value. The progress of players will be monitored throughout and tabulated at the end of the competition to determine the top 3 winners with the highest portfolio value. All Grand Prize winners will be notified personally.

**Opened to Malaysian students only with valid student IDs from colleges and universities in Malaysia
What Do I Win?

The top 3 Grand Prizes include:
1st Prize - RM25,000
2nd Prize - RM10,000
3rd Prize - RM5,000
Good luck!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

2 days 1 night Kinabalu mount climb trip。

班上同学组团去爬Kinabalu山,我报名参加了,RM 300.00,两天一夜。





Sunday, August 15, 2010


其实也没什么好写的,写这篇文章的目的是要test下Microsoft旗下的产品-Windows Live Writer 的实用性。如果好用的话,以后用这个Live writer写blog也不错。^^
学业方面,这个sem真的是拿命。Assignment+project+test一样接一样的来催命。而且要学很多新的programming languages。 够够力。
上星期去做了三天的pc fair 的promoter,领悟了很多道理,过后再写出来,因为这篇文章只是test Windows live writer的。。。


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